
Welcome to this blog! This blog is created as a discussion forum on Managerial Accounting, Accounting Management and similar. The discussion forum is a part of the course Managerial Accounting given in the post graduate class in Prasetiya Mulya Business School. Further more, the forum is also useful for other subjects such as Entrepreneurial Finance, Business Financing, Ecopreneurship, and Entrepreneurial Finance. The course is also directed at or charged issues of sustainable business and business-based environment.

This Managerial Accounting course is a graduate level exploration of managerial accounting. The term managerial accounting refers to the set of information concepts, models and systems that provide the information and control for managers. The course will cover the three streams of managerial accounting; cost and costing, operational decision support and management control.

My students, colloquies, and anyone who is interested can post on this theme. Hopefully this article was written to enrich the knowledge, to manage cost effectively and in right manner, it also helps the development of environmentally friendly business. Please pay attention if there part of or the whole article posted is taken from another article or belong to someone else; you might need to mention the source or the origination.

I really hope this is will be a networking forum for business people, experts, scholars, students who have a common interest to provide more value in exchange-mind, open up and enrich their knowledge and experience in managerial accounting.

I am very open to suggestions and criticism that can improve the quality of this forum. Thank you in advance for your contribution to the forum.

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On : Sunday, January 6, 2013
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