(Mario Christianto)
Hearing the word of managerial accounting for the first time is made us scare. Especially after we finish study financial accounting in which we are very difficult to complete it. This statement is reinforced by stories from our seniors about the difficulty of managerial accounting. Our fear is completed
But if we follow this course, managerial accounting is interesting and very applicable to the business. We as a prospective entrepreneur must know managerial accounting as tools for us to running the company. Managerial accountings nature is internal report. We as entrepreneurs use it to make short-term planning and long-term, implementing plans, measuring performance, and of course compare the results with the plan. Then also emphasizes managerial accounting decisions affecting the future, emphasizing relevance, timeliness stressed, emphasizing segment detailed report about the department, products, and customers. Then also managerial accounting need not follow GAAP and is not mandatory.
Based on these advantages, it is certainly very appealing to me as a prospective entrepreneur to learn more about managerial accounting. Especially for businesses that do I go into SMEs, which do not need in-depth accounting, but I can explore managerial accounting for business SMEs.
I also invite my friends here to learn managerial deeper. Not just for our task in college, but for ourselves which will become entrepreneurs in the future. Whatever the results of our study of managerial accounting, keep the spirit in studying managerial accounting, because as we all know the benefits of managerial accounting is to our business will be very helpful at all.
After I described the benefits of managerial accounting, whether you still hesitating? Do not hesitate, do not be afraid! Rest assured! Cheer up! This material is very, very useful for our future as a prospective entrepreneur. Managerial accounting is not only that we must learn to become entrepreneurs. Still no marketing, HR still there, still operation, etc.. But back again managerial accounting control money which is the pulse of the company and is the main essence of a business. So do you still hesitate?

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On : Wednesday, April 17, 2013
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